
Kind words


Love the photos and amyfrontino for her time and patience. Great work and lots of fun!


Amy is THE photographer you want for your family, sport, wedding, or event. I've hired her numerous times and have never doubted that is was among the best decisions I've ever made. Amy has impeccable timing, vision and experience to distinguish a great shot from a good one. Amy has a way with people that engages them and an uncompromising standard in the studio and after the shot. I can not comment Amy highly enough. 

Heart warming

You can easily see the eye and skill Amy has with the lens from her website, but its her kind personality which is truly one of her best assets. She puts her subjects at ease to capture the candid and heart-warming moments that you truly envision in your minds eye. She takes the best moments and makes the shine just a little bit brighter. 

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