The Frontino adventure to Disney world!

I had a little bit of a melt down about my oldest child turning 14 this fall.   We have always wanted to take our kids on a trip like this, but life has always gotten in the way. So this christmas we decided life is to short and it was time to book Disney.  We gave them giant nesting boxes that we filled with the letters D, I, S, N, E, and Y, along with some goodies they needed for the trip. They had to open one box at a time all together and once they found all the letters, they had to put them together to spell it out.  I couldn’t get the iphone movie to load on my site, but will tell you their response was epic…I don’t think a disney trip was even in their realm of possibilities for a christmas gift and it took them a few minutes to figure it out. My oldest wanted to open the last boxes in hopes for more clues (their park tickets etc was in the last box), at one point my daughter said “Whats going on?” and my youngest gave up with a “Mooooommmmy!” like it was utter torture…Yes it was awesome!!  And their reactions when they finally figured it out was priceless and worth EVERY penny spent.

So, at last, here is what I captured of some very fun times…


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  • Jackie ScottFebruary 18, 2012 - 9:16 am

    You guys look like you had so much fun! Love the pics!ReplyCancel